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News archive

Winner 2020

We proudly present our winner of 16. Int. Concours d'Elegance Automobile 2020:

Press-Conference 25.8.

The organisation-team of Classic-Gala Schwetzingen published exclusive information and highlights of the event at the first press-conference on 25th of August 2020. Participants could also make pictures of classic-cars in the garden of Palace Schwetzingen.

Classic-Gala lädt zum Flanieren - Infos vom 1. Pressegespräch

Classic-Gala Schwetzingen als Oldtimer-Sonderschau im Schlosspark Schwetzingen * Der barocke Achsengarten unterstützt die CoVID19- Vorsorge * * Flanieren und mit allen Sinnen genießen *

Contract extension Württembergische Versicherung

Premiumpartner Württembergische Versicherung has relied on Classic-Gala Schwetzingen for more than 8 years and has now extended the contract for another three.

Special-Show 2020: TALBOT, PININFARINA & Mercedes 600

Classic-Gala Schwetzingen announced today the Special-Shows of 16th Int. Concours d'Elegance 2020: 100 years french TALBOT, 90 years PININFARINA, Mercedes-Benz 600